Quick Cribbing, from Invention Submission Corp., is designed so rescue workers would not have to risk injury by building cribbing underneath unstable objects. Unlike standard cribbing, the unit would be stacked first and then slid beneath a fallen structure. When not in use, the cribbing could be secured in one compact unit for easy transportation and storage. Each Quick Cribbing unit would consist of a series of three18-inch long, 4 x 4 wooden or plastic blocks, bolted to a 21 by 18-inch wide rubber mat. A pair of nylon straps would attach three additional 4 x 4 blocks to the unit, and an aluminum rod would hold the stack together. To deploy, the aluminum rod and strap would be removed and the loose blocks would be stacked perpendicular to the bolted blocks. The entire stack could then be slid under the structure to be stabilized or supported, without the risk of the structure falling onto the rescue worker.